Using ANOVA to compare GI for different noodles
The data used below was sourced from [Easy Food Science for Statistics]
To carry out ANOVA to compare the GI for different types of yellow noodles prepared using partial substitution of wheat flour with banana pulp or peel flour.
GI is glycemic index, which is a measure of the blood glucose raising ability of the available carbohydrate in foods, and is defined as the incremental area under the glycemic response curve elicited by a portion of food containing 50g of availalbe carbohydrate expressed as a percentage of the area under curve elicited by a 50g glucose in the same subject (Wolever et al., “Measuring the Glycemic Index of Foods.”). In my other life, I was involved in clinical studies looking at glycemic index of foods in Singapore. I vividly remember preparing 50 g of sugar solutions, doing lab tests to calculate what is the equivalent to 50g of total available carbohydrates, as well as running IAUC calculations on Excel before I got to know about SPSS. Nevertheless, it was an enriching journey as a research officer!
data <- tibble::tribble(
~Noodles, ~GI_1, ~GI_2, ~GI_3,
"conventional", 52.83, 53.02, 52.85,
"ripe cavendish pulp", 48.8, 49.05, 48.65,
"ripe cavendish peel", 50.66, 50.64, 50.95,
"green cavendish pulp", 48.41, 47.87, 48.63,
"green cavendish peel", 51.49, 51.41, 48.09,
"ripe dream pulp", 47.99, 47.73, 49.36,
"ripe dream peel", 49.6, 49.36, 49.09,
"green dream pulp", 47.26, 47.88, 47.7,
"green dream peel", 52.52, 52.55, 52.54
) %>%
mutate(noodles_abbrev =factor(Noodles,
levels = c("conventional",
"ripe cavendish pulp",
"ripe cavendish peel",
"green cavendish pulp",
"green cavendish peel",
"ripe dream pulp",
"ripe dream peel",
"green dream pulp",
"green dream peel"),
labels = c("control", "rcpulp", "rcpeel", "gcpulp", "gcpeel",
"rdpulp", "rdpeel", "gdpulp",
# data without control
data_no_control <- data %>%
filter(Noodles != "conventional") %>%
# create additional columns in case I want to look at effect of species/ripeness/part later
mutate(noodles2 = Noodles) %>%
separate(noodles2, c("ripe_unripe", "species", "part"))
Rows: 8
Columns: 8
$ Noodles <chr> "ripe cavendish pulp", "ripe cavendish peel",…
$ GI_1 <dbl> 48.80, 50.66, 48.41, 51.49, 47.99, 49.60, 47.…
$ GI_2 <dbl> 49.05, 50.64, 47.87, 51.41, 47.73, 49.36, 47.…
$ GI_3 <dbl> 48.65, 50.95, 48.63, 48.09, 49.36, 49.09, 47.…
$ noodles_abbrev <fct> rcpulp, rcpeel, gcpulp, gcpeel, rdpulp, rdpee…
$ ripe_unripe <chr> "ripe", "ripe", "green", "green", "ripe", "ri…
$ species <chr> "cavendish", "cavendish", "cavendish", "caven…
$ part <chr> "pulp", "peel", "pulp", "peel", "pulp", "peel…
data_long <- data %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("GI"),
names_to = "reading",
values_to = "gi")
Rows: 27
Columns: 4
$ Noodles <chr> "conventional", "conventional", "conventional…
$ noodles_abbrev <fct> control, control, control, rcpulp, rcpulp, rc…
$ reading <chr> "GI_1", "GI_2", "GI_3", "GI_1", "GI_2", "GI_3…
$ gi <dbl> 52.83, 53.02, 52.85, 48.80, 49.05, 48.65, 50.…
Noodles noodles_abbrev reading gi
Length:27 control:3 Length:27 Min. :47.26
Class :character rcpulp :3 Class :character 1st Qu.:48.25
Mode :character rcpeel :3 Mode :character Median :49.36
gcpulp :3 Mean :49.89
gcpeel :3 3rd Qu.:51.45
rdpulp :3 Max. :53.02
fig_anova <- data_long%>%
group_by(Noodles) %>%
summarise(mean_gi = mean(gi)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = fct_reorder(Noodles, mean_gi), y = mean_gi)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_text(aes(label = round(mean_gi, 2)), hjust = -0.25) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(47, 55)) +
labs(title = "Comparing GI of different noodles",
subtitle = "Conventional noodles had the highest GI, and flours made with peel have higher GI than that from pulp.",
x = "",
y = "Mean GI (Average of Triplicates)",
caption = "Source: Easy Statistics for Food Science with R") +
coord_flip() +
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
noodles_abbrev 8 85.34 10.668 19.46 2.26e-07 ***
Residuals 18 9.87 0.548
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Post-hoc comparison
fig_post_hoc <- TukeyHSD(m1_aov, which = "noodles_abbrev", ordered = F) %>%
tidy() %>%
filter(adj.p.value<0.05) %>%
mutate(high_low = case_when(estimate >=0 ~ "higher",
TRUE ~ "lower")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = fct_reorder(contrast, estimate), y = estimate)) +
geom_point(size = 3, aes(col = high_low)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = conf.low,
ymax = conf.high, col = high_low), width = 0.5) +
coord_flip() +
labs(title = "95% family-wise confidence level for groups with p<0.05",
x = "",
y = "Differences in mean levels of noodles") +
theme_clean() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
grid.arrange(fig_anova, fig_post_hoc)
The results below are slightly different due to different post-hoc analysis.
# another way, using ggstatsplot
data = data_long,
x = noodles_abbrev,
y = gi,
plot.type = "box",
type = "p",
package = "ggsci",
palette = "nrc_npg",
pairwise.display = "significant",
title = "Comparing GI for different noodles"
Let’s look at the effect of ripeness, variety and part on GI.
Rows: 8
Columns: 8
$ Noodles <chr> "ripe cavendish pulp", "ripe cavendish peel",…
$ GI_1 <dbl> 48.80, 50.66, 48.41, 51.49, 47.99, 49.60, 47.…
$ GI_2 <dbl> 49.05, 50.64, 47.87, 51.41, 47.73, 49.36, 47.…
$ GI_3 <dbl> 48.65, 50.95, 48.63, 48.09, 49.36, 49.09, 47.…
$ noodles_abbrev <fct> rcpulp, rcpeel, gcpulp, gcpeel, rdpulp, rdpee…
$ ripe_unripe <chr> "ripe", "ripe", "green", "green", "ripe", "ri…
$ species <chr> "cavendish", "cavendish", "cavendish", "caven…
$ part <chr> "pulp", "peel", "pulp", "peel", "pulp", "peel…
data_long_no_control <- data_no_control %>%
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("GI"),
names_to = "replicates",
values_to = "gi")
# main effect
m2_aov <- aov(gi ~ ripe_unripe + species + part, data = data_long_no_control)
summary(m2_aov) # residuals reduced compared to m2_aov
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
ripe_unripe 1 0.83 0.83 0.612 0.443
species 1 0.05 0.05 0.035 0.853
part 1 36.43 36.43 26.767 4.62e-05 ***
Residuals 20 27.22 1.36
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# interaction
m3_aov <- aov(gi ~ ripe_unripe * species * part, data = data_long_no_control)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
ripe_unripe 1 0.83 0.83 1.353 0.26181
species 1 0.05 0.05 0.078 0.78424
part 1 36.43 36.43 59.208 9.15e-07 ***
ripe_unripe:species 1 4.31 4.31 7.004 0.01760 *
ripe_unripe:part 1 6.13 6.13 9.963 0.00611 **
species:part 1 1.46 1.46 2.365 0.14361
ripe_unripe:species:part 1 5.48 5.48 8.909 0.00875 **
Residuals 16 9.85 0.62
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# testing the models
anova(m2_aov, m3_aov) # p -s significant so interaction term is not by chance.
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: gi ~ ripe_unripe + species + part
Model 2: gi ~ ripe_unripe * species * part
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 20 27.2226
2 16 9.8453 4 17.377 7.0602 0.001787 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Checking assumptions --
# to check for homogeneity of variance
leveneTest(gi ~ ripe_unripe*species*part, data = data_long_no_control) # p> 0.05, so equal variance can be assumed
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
Df F value Pr(>F)
group 7 0.7401 0.6424
# to check whether residuals are normally distributed
m3_aov$residuals %>%
as_tibble() %>%
ggplot(aes(value)) +
geom_histogram() +
theme_clean() # slightly right-skewed
From the ANOVA results, the part of banana used (pulp or peel) has an effect on GI.
There are also interactions between ripeness:species, ripeness: part.
fig_a <- data_long_no_control %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ripe_unripe, y = gi)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = species)) +
labs(title = "Ripeness:Species Interaction",
x = "Green/Ripe",
y = "GI noodles",
fill = "Species") +
fig_b <- data_long_no_control %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ripe_unripe, y = gi)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = part)) +
labs(title = "Ripeness:Part Interaction",
x = "Green/Ripe",
y = "GI",
fill = "Part") +
fig_c <- data_long_no_control %>%
ggplot(aes(x = part, y = gi)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(fill = species)) +
labs(title = "Part:Species Interaction",
x = "Part",
y = "GI") +
grid.arrange(fig_a, fig_b, fig_c, ncol = 2)
It may be worthwhile to consider each type of noodles as a combination of three variables: ripeness, part and species to have more rigorous understanding of the ANOVA results.
When carrying out ANOVA, one needs to check whether the model meets normality assumptions
Visualizing post-hoc t-tests using the tidyverse way (and being able to filter out significant terms)
aov (ANOVA) tells you what are the factors that are important. The contribution of each term comes from lm (by looking at the coefficients).
For attribution, please cite this work as
lruolin (2021, Aug. 16). pRactice corner: ANOVA to compare sample means. Retrieved from ANOVA to compare means/
BibTeX citation
@misc{lruolin2021anova, author = {lruolin, }, title = {pRactice corner: ANOVA to compare sample means}, url = { ANOVA to compare means/}, year = {2021} }